Economic Inclusion in ECO Countries
Economic inclusion, the opening up of economic and financial opportunities to under-served social groups, is integral to achieving equitable growth across the ECO region.
ETDB promotes economic inclusion by providing funding for projects that provide opportunities for employment through labor force expansion and productivity improvements.
Another important development goal is to promote financial inclusion by reducing poverty and to address the development gaps which lead to unequal level of socio-economic
development across the region and in the individual member countries. ETDB tries to achieve the above goal by providing financial support to SMEs and MSMEs
Micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are well established as the biggest contributor to economic development, innovation and employment in the world economy.
ECO region also has significant presence of MSMEs but the latter’s expansion is constrained by lack of access to finance due to asymmetrical information and moral
hazard problems. ETDB is actively engaged in promoting MSMEs in the region and has provided financial support to them through various arrangements such as loans to
microfinance banks and commercial banks for onwards lending to MSMEs and SMEs.