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Internship Guidelines

Internship Guideline

1. Purpose
2. Aims of internship
3. Admission and selection of interns
3.1 Eligibility
3.2 Application procedure
3.3 Selection procedure
3.4 Further conditions
4. Confidentiality agreement


The Economic Cooperation Organization Trade and Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) offers in-service training periods (internships) lasting up to six (6) months for students in university level studies from member states of ECO Region. These training periods involve work experience in one of the departments of the Bank.

The type of assignments given to trainees (interns) would normally include preparing specialized databases, research and information gathering on a particular topic, assessment of an economic, financial or technical aspect of a project and comparative assessments of policies and programs of other IFIs and international organizations.


Internship is intended to benefit both the Bank and the trainees. Its practical benefits include but are not limited to the following:

1) promoting the image of the Bank by disseminating information of the activities and the institutional objectives of the Bank, and the peculiarities and potential of the  ECO Region,

2) getting temporary assistance from students who are typically very knowledgeable in particular fields, whereby they can bring a diversity of ideas from universities around the world,

2) enabling trainees to further and put into practice the knowledge that they have acquired during their studies or professional careers,

3) providing trainees with practical knowledge of the Bank’s working processes,

4) offering successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international environment, whereby interns generally find the experience to be rewarding and interesting,

5)  contributing to the pool of candidates for potential employment with the Bank.

Subject to Section 4 below, the information collected during internship may be used for the preparation of a postgraduate thesis or an academic paper.


3.1 Eligibility

Interns are selected from among nationals of member countries of ECO Region.  Internship at the Bank is open to candidates who have not already benefited from such an internship at the Bank, and who:

• are enrolled in a course of university-level education by the closing date for applications,

• are studying in one of the following disciplines: law, economics, finance, banking, business administration, public administration and Engineering, or the requirement stated in the vacancy,

• have a good speaking and writing knowledge in English Language,

• are less than twenty-six (26) years of age at the time of application.

3.2 Application Procedure

Applications should be made on the Bank’s Internship Application Form and sent to the Human Resources Department (HR). Applications will only be accepted if an official statement accompanies them from the university confirming proof of enrollment in a university level program supported by a transcript as well as two recently written reference letters.

3.3 Selection Procedure

Interns will be selected on the widest geographical basis possible from member states of ECO Region. Applicants are selected on the basis of matching their expertise and qualifications with the expertise and qualifications on the Terms of Reference outlined on the request for Intern submitted by the Bank’s Department Heads . There are no set quotas for the Internship Program.  Interns can be selected from any member country of ECO Region, so the composition of nationalities and gender may vary from year to year. Candidates should offer as wide a range of academic disciplines as possible in order to provide the Bank with a large choice of specializations.

On the basis of the above criteria, the HR will draw up a list of the applicants to be considered by the Department and Division  Heads. In consultation with HR, the Department and Division Heads will select the most appropriate candidate.
The number of interns hired for a given year depends on the needs of Bank’s departments and their budget circumstances. Department Heads are usually asked to submit their summer vacancy information to HR by end-February (for the period July – December) and their winter information by mid-late October (for the period January-June).

The candidates will not be sent out any notice if they have not been selected. The selected candidates will be contacted immediately once Department Heads inform HR of their selection for a particular vacancy that they wish to fill with an Intern.

3.4 Further Conditions

Admission to the Bank’s Internship Program does not confer on interns the status of an employee of the Bank. Interns will not be afforded any benefits, privileges and immunities. The Bank will limit its intake of interns to a maximum of six (6) months and any period of time throughout the year.

Completion of the Bank’s Internship Program does not give interns any privileges with regard to their possible application for employment with the Bank, nor does the Bank have any obligations to interns in this respect.

Interns admitted to the Internship Program will receive a monthly stipend of USD 850 from the Bank to assist with their living expenses, and where applicable, the Bank provides an allowance towards travel expenses. The only variation in salary among interns is that Turkish interns are paid a gross salary for tax reasons and foreign nationals are paid a net salary. Interns are responsible for their housing, travelling and subsistence from their salaries. The Bank may, however, provide relevant advisory support through AISEC (International Traineeship Exchange Program), if requested. The Bank may also issue, upon request, relevant confirmations in order to facilitate the granting of visas to the interns.

Interns are entitled to sick leave and occupational insurance for work-related accidents or illnesses.

The Bank does not provide medical insurance coverage for Interns. Those selected for internship will be required to submit proof of medical insurance while working at the Bank.

No close relatives of Bank’s employees can be offered internship placements.


Each intern will be bound by the relevant obligations of the Bank’s Code of Conduct, which will be indicated in their contracts with the Bank, together with the extent to which these obligations are applicable.